Star Trek: Monet > Crew Listing:

Current Mission: "Broken Flesh"

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Rank: Lieutenant
Race/Gender: Human/Male
Date of Birth: 1st February 2342
Place of Birth: Australia, Earth
Current Assignment: Chief of Security, USS Monet NX 79067
Background: Ralph Brady is a extraordinary tactical officer, he has many hand to hand combat skills, including Klingon Martial arts, and has expert skill in shuttle combat. He is good friends with Paul Shearer, whom he has served with for over six years. His interests include hover ball, tennis and rock climbing. He spent time at Starfleet tactical, where he got a offered a post at Starfleet Intelligence, but he declined to serve on board the new warship, USS Monet NX 79067. He has a dislike of Cardassian's, whom he thinks are just brutal killers, and even considered joining the Maquis, but he thought he could do more to help by staying in Starfleet.


USS Monet NX 79067:
Captain Paul Shearer
Commander Natasha Kingston
Lt. Commander Rachel J'mall
Lieutenant Ralph Brady
Lieutenant Ben Maverick
Lieutenant Luke Gravis
Doctor Amy Hughes


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